Wednesday, December 30, 2009

student life in final semester...

dah 3ari stat sem baru a.k.a my last sem.. huhu.. sedih pon ada but perasaan cuak la paling tggi coz leps abis stdy nk kna cr kje.. huhu.. nk kna facing dunia luar, ragam mcm2 org n life yg sbnr.. dapat ke aku bertahan?? kat U nie pon aku rs mcm2 ragam manusia yg ak jumpa.. kat luar lg la kan.. masa yg tinggal lebey kurang 4bulan je lg to complete my study... 

jadi final year student memang memenatkan.. ngan final year project lagi, thesis, mini project (dahla ada 2), asignment, presentation.. huhu.. (memg kena manage betul2 la masa yg ada) dah last sem nie la lecturer nak wat SCL byk2 coz nk tmbhkn self-confidence ,so senang la nak gi interview nanti.. td prof ali tanya dlm kelas, ada x ktorg pegi interview utk keje.. ha!! cmne nk apply, nk gna result ape? akak senior ada suruh cari keje b4 grad coz dia ckp jgn jd cam dia.. lepas grad baru nk cari keja.. smntara nk dapat kerja tue, lama gak dia nk kna tgu.. yela, gi interview, lepas tue nk kna tgu dorg ny feedback.. if sekali pegi interview dah dpt kerja okla, nie klu 1st interview xdapat kna cari lg.. huhu.. 

aku pon ada gak search kt internet keja2 kosong.. tp nk apply cmne eh.. stdy pon lom abis lg.. bleh apply ke?? dhla banyak kje kosong yg nak experience paling kurang pon setahun.. aku adala 2bulan je experience, tue pon tyme praktikal.. huhu... skg nie ngah cari journal utk literature review.. tp t'bukak blog plak.. heeee... k la, nk smbung cr journal.. nnti kak ida nak tgk literature review and material method.. 

p/s: gudlak kwn2.. hope wat fyp baik2.. jgn stress2 ye.. and tempuhilah life as final year student a.k.a last sem dgn happy2 nya..  create a sweet and unforgetable memory wif the remaining time that we hav... luv u all.. =)


Najihah As'ari said...

bleh je apply
hntr cv cam bese la
rslt tkini cgpa tu msti ade
aku ade je apply 2, 3 keje skang
tgh tgu feedback

waniey said...

owh.. yeke.. ok.. kna wt cv la dl..

necron said...

been reading around and suddenly i realize, life been very different for everyone.. sometimes ppl see each other but never knew exactly what happen to them. when i think bout it roughly it seems so usual. now that i think bout it carefully, i can see that all ppl are very complicated. you'll never knew anything bout them unless you are close to them..

the way ppl face whatever comes to them determine the way the outcomes shape them.. things happen the way Allah make them for us. anyway, good luck in ur life.. may Allah bless u and all of your frens..

p/s: its a coincidence that i found this blog, not that i search for it.

waniey said...

owh, tq for ur advice...=)